last part
Gathering content for your website
After you have finished this first stage of onpage optimization, you will need to
think about filling your site with relevant content.
You will have heard the expression before… “Content is king”. Well, it’s true; the
more content you place on your site, the more valuable it becomes. Relevant,
quality content drives huge amounts of traffic to your site.
Nowadays, the only way of gathering quality content involves using RSS. RSS
(Real Simple Syndication) enables you to fully automate your website’s content
24/7 without you having to lift a finger. All you have to do is add some simple
bits of code to your website and find some freely available ‘feeds’ for your RSS
system. Your website will automatically update itself, displaying an endless
amount of fresh and highly relevant content.
The best RSS program can be found:
In my opinion, this RSS program is the ONLY choice. I haven’t looked back since
I started using it!
Second stage of onpage optimization
Bolding italicizing and underlining
Once you have added the content to your site, you should go through it and
and underline some of the keywords.
Only do this to each of your keywords once per page, or it will end up doing you
more harm than good.
Correctly include image tags
Next, click on the very top image of your webpage (This is usually your website’s
header graphic) and include your main keyword in an image tag. In our
hypothetical website, an ideal tag to add would be “cocaine addiction solutions
header”. Click on two more images from your webpage and enter your other
two keywords, plus an extra word like “pic” or “image” For example, we would
include “cocaine effects pic” and “cocaine addiction symptoms”. Adding these
extra words ensures that the search engines won’t think you are overloading
your page with keywords.
Why is it important to build links?
Although I have spent some time explaining the best onpage optimization
techniques, this is not the way to dramatically increase the amount of traffic to
your website.
Good onpage optimization just ensures that the search engines index you
correctly and that people find your site when they type in your keywords.
Time and again, it has been proven that if you establish a lot of inbound links
from other high PageRanked websites, the traffic will come flooding into your
Remember, that more traffic = more clicks. More clicks = more money!
If you want to get your AdSense business up and running fast, you will have to
get indexed in the search engines fast.
You will achieve this through link building.
You will
achieve this by submitting your site to the search engines manually
or automatically. If you attempt to do this, Google will take at least six weeks to
index your website!
So, how do I go about building quality inbound links?
It is extremely hard and time consuming to build links manually; it involves
plotting out huge amounts of data on your competition, your competitions
competition, their PageRanks and so on. You also have to write personalized
emails to all these competitors telling them how much you’ve enjoyed their site
and asking kindly if they would like to exchange links with you.
This is
my idea of fun.
It is much easier to automate the entire process.
You can find out how to effortlessly build inbound links by clicking here:
Before you even consider registering with AdSense, you must
make sure you have completed all of the stages that we’ve
covered so far. Unless your site is full of fresh content
(through using RSS) and you have built a large amount of
inbound links, you run the risk of having your AdSense
application rejected.
How to register with AdSense
When you register with AdSense make sure that your site complies
with their terms of service. You can find these at:
You then fill in their online application form which you can find here:
After you submit your application form, Google will send you a
confirmation email. Once you have replied to this they will begin
processing your application. This can take up to three days; as it is a
real person who will be reviewing your site.
Then, assuming you have been accepted, Google will send you an
email that says welcome to AdSense.
The basics of AdSense
You will now be able to log into your AdSense account.
Once you have logged in, you will see this at the top of your screen:
Click on the AdSense for content tab. This page allows you to
generate your own personalized AdSense code. You will be able to
manipulate such factors as: Ad Type, Ad Layout, Color palettes,
Alternate ad URL or color, Channels and Framed pages. Once you
have selected your options, Google will automatically generate the
optimized code for you. You can then copy this from the bottom of the
page and paste it into wherever you want on your website.
Before doing anything, familiarize yourself with the program. There is
no point in going over the details here, Google do a great job of
explaining it themselves. Everything you could possibly need to know
can be found on the AdSense support page:
Increasing your CTR (click-through ratio)
Once you have got used to the program, you need to start thing about
the best ways in which you can implement AdSense ads on your site.
Good ad implementation can make the difference between a 1% CTR
and a 25% CTR.
Choosing the best ad format
AdSense offers a variety of different ad formats. Demos of which be
seen here:
The general consensus is that there are three ad formats that
outperform all of the others. In order, these are:
336x280 large rectangle (four ads)
300x250 medium rectangle (four ads)
160x600 wide skyscraper (five ads)
The reason that these ads out perform the others, is because they hold the
interest of the reader for longer. A wider text format is visually more pleasing.
People read information in chunks, and the wider format allows them to take in
more information in less time.
Google allow you to place up to three ad units per page.
NEVER directly encourage your site’s visitors to click on your ads. This is against
Google TOS. They WILL find out if you are doing this, and they WILL kick you
out of the AdSense program.
Ad placement
Although these ads are the best ones to choose, they won’t achieve a high CTR
unless they are correctly placed on your page. In other words, your ads will
have to complement your page layout.
Google have kindly given us a “heat map” of the most clicked on areas:
The darkest shade of orange represents the most clicked on area.
Therefore, you will want to place a large rectangle or a medium rectangle ad in
the centre of your webpage.
It is best if you blend these ads in within the body of your copy. Here is a good
The best place to put the wide skyscraper ad is down the left hand side of your
page. After looking at the centre of the page, this is the next area that people
tend to look at. Also, if you place this ad unit here, you increase the chance of
people thinking that it is part of your site’s navigation. As a result of their
mistake, you will generate more money.
Ad colour
The colour scheme of your ads is something that you absolutely must get right.
A lot of AdSense users don’t bother and leave the ads in their default state.
You can alter the colour scheme of your ads by using the AdSense colour
There are five factors that you can alter with the AdSense colour palette. These
are the colour of your ad’s border, background, title, text and URL.
The question is what colour scheme is the best to use. Some people maintain
that it is best to keep the ads as bright and as eye-catching as possible. While
this might work on some people’s websites, from my experience, it is best to do
the complete opposite.
Ads perform much better when their colour scheme matches that of your
website. You must make the background, border and URL of your ads invisible.
Do this by matching the background, border and URL of your ads with the
background colour of your webpage. Then, make the text of the ads the same
colour as the text of your website. And finally, make the title of your ads the
same colour as the links on your website.
The best trick in the book
One of the best techniques for increasing your CTR involves you coupling your
ads with images. What you do is place images above ad units. This fools people
into thinking the ads are links that refer to the content of the image. The best
ad format to do this with is the (728 by 90) leaderboard:
Of course, you must remember to make the border, background and URL
You can however do it with any of the text based ad units. I for example have
employed this technique on
with the (468 by 60)
To create this effect, I made a two celled table above the ad unit then inserted
some images that I had created into each cell. The table keeps the pictures in
line with the ads.
This technique increased my CTR by a factor of 5. Some people have even
reported that it increased theirs b a factor of 7.
If you follow the simple steps from this section, you will dramatically increase
your CTR. However, different techniques will work better than others depending
on the overall layout of your site. Just use your common sense and keep an eye
on your ads performance.
Tracking ad performance
You will without a doubt become hooked on checking your income on the
AdSense report page. When you start making serious money you can’t help
yourself. While you are doing this, you should also take the time to monitor the
performance of your ads. This allows you to then tweak your system for
optimum performance.
AdSense allows you to set up channels within your account. You should create
one for each and every page of your site. Based on the amount of money you
are earning, they allow you to see which ads are performing well and which ads
are performing poorly. You can then weed out the poorly performing ads with
the ad filter.
Tracking Scripts
Tracking scripts are simple pieces of code that you paste on to your webpage.
They allow you to find out which specific ads have been clicked. You can
compare the results of the scripts with the results of your channels to gain a
more detailed perspective on your ad performance.
A great free tracking program can be downloaded here:
AdSense can make you a lot of money or it can make you very little.
My advice to you is to follow everything that I have covered in this
course step by step. Go over it with a toothcomb. If you do this you
will be guaranteed to make serious money. Once you have got the
hang of the system you can make as many sites as you like and
dramatically increase your income. You will be able to do this full time
and quit the day job!
As you received this eBook totally free of charge, it would be greatly
appreciated if you added my link to your website. If you don’t already
have one you will soon! ;)
Here is the html for my text link:
$100 for an out of date AdSense eBook when you can download the new
AdSense Mint Course absolutely FREE!!!
I hope you have enjoyed The AdSense Mint course. I’ve certainly
enjoyed sharing it with you.
Yours truly,
James Fraser
Next, click on the very top image of your webpage (This is usually your website’s
header graphic) and include your main keyword in an image tag. In our
hypothetical website, an ideal tag to add would be “cocaine addiction solutions
header”. Click on two more images from your webpage and enter your other
two keywords, plus an extra word like “pic” or “image” For example, we would
include “cocaine effects pic” and “cocaine addiction symptoms”. Adding these
extra words ensures that the search engines won’t think you are overloading
your page with keywords.
Why is it important to build links?
Although I have spent some time explaining the best onpage optimization
techniques, this is not the way to dramatically increase the amount of traffic to
your website.
Good onpage optimization just ensures that the search engines index you
correctly and that people find your site when they type in your keywords.
Time and again, it has been proven that if you establish a lot of inbound links
from other high PageRanked websites, the traffic will come flooding into your
Remember, that more traffic = more clicks. More clicks = more money!
If you want to get your AdSense business up and running fast, you will have to
get indexed in the search engines fast.
You will achieve this through link building.
You will
achieve this by submitting your site to the search engines manually
or automatically. If you attempt to do this, Google will take at least six weeks to
index your website!
So, how do I go about building quality inbound links?
It is extremely hard and time consuming to build links manually; it involves
plotting out huge amounts of data on your competition, your competitions
competition, their PageRanks and so on. You also have to write personalized
emails to all these competitors telling them how much you’ve enjoyed their site
and asking kindly if they would like to exchange links with you.
This is
my idea of fun.
It is much easier to automate the entire process.
You can find out how to effortlessly build inbound links by clicking here:
Before you even consider registering with AdSense, you must
make sure you have completed all of the stages that we’ve
covered so far. Unless your site is full of fresh content
(through using RSS) and you have built a large amount of
inbound links, you run the risk of having your AdSense
application rejected.
How to register with AdSense
When you register with AdSense make sure that your site complies
with their terms of service. You can find these at:
You then fill in their online application form which you can find here:
After you submit your application form, Google will send you a
confirmation email. Once you have replied to this they will begin
processing your application. This can take up to three days; as it is a
real person who will be reviewing your site.
Then, assuming you have been accepted, Google will send you an
email that says welcome to AdSense.
The basics of AdSense
You will now be able to log into your AdSense account.
Once you have logged in, you will see this at the top of your screen:
Click on the AdSense for content tab. This page allows you to
generate your own personalized AdSense code. You will be able to
manipulate such factors as: Ad Type, Ad Layout, Color palettes,
Alternate ad URL or color, Channels and Framed pages. Once you
have selected your options, Google will automatically generate the
optimized code for you. You can then copy this from the bottom of the
page and paste it into wherever you want on your website.
Before doing anything, familiarize yourself with the program. There is
no point in going over the details here, Google do a great job of
explaining it themselves. Everything you could possibly need to know
can be found on the AdSense support page:
Increasing your CTR (click-through ratio)
Once you have got used to the program, you need to start thing about
the best ways in which you can implement AdSense ads on your site.
Good ad implementation can make the difference between a 1% CTR
and a 25% CTR.
Choosing the best ad format
AdSense offers a variety of different ad formats. Demos of which be
seen here:
The general consensus is that there are three ad formats that
outperform all of the others. In order, these are:
336x280 large rectangle (four ads)
300x250 medium rectangle (four ads)
160x600 wide skyscraper (five ads)
The reason that these ads out perform the others, is because they hold the
interest of the reader for longer. A wider text format is visually more pleasing.
People read information in chunks, and the wider format allows them to take in
more information in less time.
Google allow you to place up to three ad units per page.
NEVER directly encourage your site’s visitors to click on your ads. This is against
Google TOS. They WILL find out if you are doing this, and they WILL kick you
out of the AdSense program.
Ad placement
Although these ads are the best ones to choose, they won’t achieve a high CTR
unless they are correctly placed on your page. In other words, your ads will
have to complement your page layout.
Google have kindly given us a “heat map” of the most clicked on areas:
The darkest shade of orange represents the most clicked on area.
Therefore, you will want to place a large rectangle or a medium rectangle ad in
the centre of your webpage.
It is best if you blend these ads in within the body of your copy. Here is a good
The best place to put the wide skyscraper ad is down the left hand side of your
page. After looking at the centre of the page, this is the next area that people
tend to look at. Also, if you place this ad unit here, you increase the chance of
people thinking that it is part of your site’s navigation. As a result of their
mistake, you will generate more money.
Ad colour
The colour scheme of your ads is something that you absolutely must get right.
A lot of AdSense users don’t bother and leave the ads in their default state.
You can alter the colour scheme of your ads by using the AdSense colour
There are five factors that you can alter with the AdSense colour palette. These
are the colour of your ad’s border, background, title, text and URL.
The question is what colour scheme is the best to use. Some people maintain
that it is best to keep the ads as bright and as eye-catching as possible. While
this might work on some people’s websites, from my experience, it is best to do
the complete opposite.
Ads perform much better when their colour scheme matches that of your
website. You must make the background, border and URL of your ads invisible.
Do this by matching the background, border and URL of your ads with the
background colour of your webpage. Then, make the text of the ads the same
colour as the text of your website. And finally, make the title of your ads the
same colour as the links on your website.
The best trick in the book
One of the best techniques for increasing your CTR involves you coupling your
ads with images. What you do is place images above ad units. This fools people
into thinking the ads are links that refer to the content of the image. The best
ad format to do this with is the (728 by 90) leaderboard:
Of course, you must remember to make the border, background and URL
You can however do it with any of the text based ad units. I for example have
employed this technique on
with the (468 by 60)
To create this effect, I made a two celled table above the ad unit then inserted
some images that I had created into each cell. The table keeps the pictures in
line with the ads.
This technique increased my CTR by a factor of 5. Some people have even
reported that it increased theirs b a factor of 7.
If you follow the simple steps from this section, you will dramatically increase
your CTR. However, different techniques will work better than others depending
on the overall layout of your site. Just use your common sense and keep an eye
on your ads performance.
Tracking ad performance
You will without a doubt become hooked on checking your income on the
AdSense report page. When you start making serious money you can’t help
yourself. While you are doing this, you should also take the time to monitor the
performance of your ads. This allows you to then tweak your system for
optimum performance.
AdSense allows you to set up channels within your account. You should create
one for each and every page of your site. Based on the amount of money you
are earning, they allow you to see which ads are performing well and which ads
are performing poorly. You can then weed out the poorly performing ads with
the ad filter.
Tracking Scripts
Tracking scripts are simple pieces of code that you paste on to your webpage.
They allow you to find out which specific ads have been clicked. You can
compare the results of the scripts with the results of your channels to gain a
more detailed perspective on your ad performance.
A great free tracking program can be downloaded here:
AdSense can make you a lot of money or it can make you very little.
My advice to you is to follow everything that I have covered in this
course step by step. Go over it with a toothcomb. If you do this you
will be guaranteed to make serious money. Once you have got the
hang of the system you can make as many sites as you like and
dramatically increase your income. You will be able to do this full time
and quit the day job!
As you received this eBook totally free of charge, it would be greatly
appreciated if you added my link to your website. If you don’t already
have one you will soon! ;)
Here is the html for my text link:
$100 for an out of date AdSense eBook when you can download the new
AdSense Mint Course absolutely FREE!!!
I hope you have enjoyed The AdSense Mint course. I’ve certainly
enjoyed sharing it with you.
Yours truly,
James Fraser
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